Mirjana Maleska
Full Professor at the Doctoral School of Political Science, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje.

Editorial: Kosovo and Macedonia

All of us here knew quite well that the great majority of the Macedonians considered the 2001 Ohrid Agreement an unjust act, the product of violence on the side of the ethnic Albanians supported by the “international community” against the Macedonian national state and against the interests of the Macedonian nation.
Denko Maleski
Professor at Doctoral School of Political Science
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje

The Causes of a War: Ethnic Conflict in Macedonia in 2001

The political literature that in this last decade studies the experience of the twenty-two states that emerged after the break-up of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, come to useful general conclusions. One of them is that the choice of an inadequate strategy of building a state and building a nation in conditions of democracy can position the whole society on wrong tracks. Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan, long-time researchers of democracies in the world, create a useful scheme for the relations between the state, the nation (or nations) and democracy.

Pitting Democratic Standards against Sovereign Rights: The Nature of International Rule in Kosovo

Nobody denies that the lack of judicial structures was-and still is-a major problem in Kosovo. The court system being set up is in its infancy, and the government and parliament have not proved efficient, especially in the fight against crime and widespread corruption. The "democracy deficit," however, is only part of the reason for the reluctance of the "international community"-essentially, the United States and the European Union-to deal with the future status of Kosovo.

UNMIK as an International Governance within Post-Conflict Society

After the Second World War, the international community entrusted the United Nations with governing the former colonial territories of Japan and Italy, then contested areas, such as was the city of Trieste, and finally by the cases of the late 1980s which marked the beginning of a new era of peacekeeping missions
Dushan Janjic
Serbia and Monte Negro

The Present Status of Kosovo Cannot Last Longer Than 2005

In his report to the Security Council in New York in which he bade farewell to his mission as UN Secretary General special envoy, Michael Steiner emphasized that during the year and a half he had stayed in Kosovo the multiethnic government had been formed. “In the northern part of Mitrovica we brought in the UNMIK administration. We drove back the prisoners of war. We turned upside down the negative trend as regards the return of the refugees. And both sides stated that they were ready for direct dialogue.

The Paradoxes of Resolution 1244

Laws by their nature try to put order and control over different societal relations: between a person and a state, between states etc. They in themselves involve an interest from which some people benefit more and some less, dependant on there being whatever factor, one standard, a testimony that describes the developing level of a particular civilization.
Etem Aziri

Political Parties of Albanians in Macedonia and the Kosova Issue

The penultimate decade of the 20th century is characterized by the well known events in Eastern Europe, which culminated with the disintegration of the largest “communist dynasty” and with the replacement of the one-party systems of a Bolshevist type with the multi-party system characteristic of the Western democracies.

Известување на македонските медиуми две години по кризата во Македонија

Што се случува сега , две години после воениот конфликт во Македонија во однос на начинот на кој известувале медиумите за, во тој поглед важните, релевантни внатрешно-политички настани? Со цел да се расветли, некој аспект од ова прашање беше направена студија на случај