Independent and Non-Profit Organisation:
Center for Peace and Democracy: Ian Collins

International Editorial Board

Mirjana Maleska
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Dr. Mirjana Maleska is a Professor at the Doctoral School of Political Science, University :Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje. She was long time Senior Fellow Researcher at the Institute for Sociological and Political Research, Skopje. From 2001 to 2012 she was a Full Professor of Political Science at the Southeast European University in Tetovo. Her specialties are political system, political parties and ethnic politics. She is the author or editor of a number of books and numerous articles: ‘Ethnic Conflict and Accommodation’(1997); ‘Macedonian Old-New Issues’(BAN, 2001); ‘What kind of a political system did Macedonia get after the Ohrid Framework Agreement’(2005); ‘Painful Confrontation: Causes and consequences of 2001 deadly conflict’(BAN, 2002); ‘Power-Sharing-A new model of decision-making in the municipalities in Macedonia’(2007);‘Interethnic relations in Macedonia’ in ‘People Centered Analyses’ (2010); Professor Maleska is founder and editor-in chief of New Balkan Politics.

Chaim Kaufmann
Lehigh University, USA
Dr. Chain Kaufmann is Associate professor of International Relations College of Arts and Sciences, Department of International Relations, Lehigh University, USA. His main specialties include international relations theory, international security (issues of war and peace), nationalism and ethnic conflict, political psychology, social science research methods and epistemology. Publications: “Threat Inflation and the Failure of the Marketplace of Ideas: The Selling of the Iraq War”, In Trevor Thrall and Jane K. Cramer, eds., American Foreign Policy and the Politics of Fear (Routledge, 2009); “Why Iraq Partitioned Itself”, Columbia International Affairs Online, September; 2007; “An Assessment of the Partition of Cyprus”, International Studies Perspectives 8:2 (May 2007), 206-223; “What Have We Learned About Ethnic Conflict? What Can We Do In Iraq?” Harvard International Review 28:4 (Winter 2007), 44-50.

Miodrag Zivanovic
Dr.Miodrag Zivanovic is a Professor of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is one of those rare intellectuals from Bosnia and Herzegovina, who bravely opposes nationalism and further division of BiH. Prof. Zivanovic is founder and the leader of Democratic alternative of BiH and initiator of numerous democratic initiatives; member of international PEN organization; the president of the permanent committee for humanism; member of the expert group for North-Atlantic integration; founder and editor of the journal Helios etc. He is the author of numerous essays and books, like: ‘Blue lectures’(1999), ‘Acta Politica Sebrica(2000), ‘Blue and ultra-violet’(2000), ‘The Letter of Nostalgia’(2002), ‘The producers of miracles’(2003).

Milan Podunavac
Faculty of Political Science
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory
University of Belgrade

Stephan E. Nikolov
Stephan E. Nikolov is a Senior Fellow researcher at the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Institute of Sociology and Assistant Professorat the Neofit Rilski Southwestern University Blagoevgrad(Dept. of Law and History) .He is also Editor-in-Chief of the Bulgarian “Sociological Review.”
His last work is “Perceptions ofEthnicity in the Bulgarian Political Culture: Misunderstanding and Distortion - Chapter VII in The Macedonian Question: Culture, Historiography, Politics. Ed. by VictorRoudometof, 2000, Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, NY: Columbia University Press, pp. 207-235. In Search of“Bigfoot”: Competing Identities of the Pirin Macedonia, Bulgaria, co-authors Bonka Stoyanova - Boneva and Victor Roudometof - Chapter VIII in The Macedonian Question: Culture, Historiography, Politics. Ed. by VictorRoudometof, forthcoming, 2000, Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, NY: Columbia University Press, pp. 237-258.

Kiril Temkov
University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje
Dr Kiril Temkov is a professor of ethics at the Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje. He is the author of many books and articles. In addition, he is one of the great missioners in promoting a better education for the younger generations of scholars in Macedonia

Lidija Petkovska - Hristova
Lidija Hristova is Full professor of Political science and Head of the Department of Political science at the Institute for sociological, political and juridical research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje. Her research interest includes political parties, party identities and democratization of the post-communist countries, as well as the study of interest groups, trade unions and collective bargaining. She is the leading researcher of the empirical research study titled Political identities in the R. Macedonia, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius Press, Skopje 2011, which examines the political identities of the main political parties in the R. Macedonia, as well as political and value orientations of the citizens and their dependence from political party preferences.

Aneta Cekik
Dr. Aneta Cekik is Associate professor of Political science at the Political science department of the Institute for sociological, political and juridical research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje. Her research interest includes interest groups politics, EU lobbying and ethnic conflicts study. She is Scientific Secretary of “New Balkan Politics”